Dogs get depressed when they can smell that their owners are stressed.

Dogs are sad when they smell stressed humans
Stress in humans triggers a unique scent that can be smelt by canines and new evidence shows that worried humans make man's best friend gloomy.
During a trial, 18 dogs were provided with food bowls that either contained a treat or were empty.
After sniffing the odour of a relaxed human who had been listening to calming sounds, the pooches approached the treat bowl more quickly but if they smelt a stressed-out person they went to the dish at a slower pace as if they were anticipating disappointment.
Dr. Nicola Rooney, lead author of the research at Bristol Veterinary School, said: "Understanding how human stress affects dogs' well-being is an important consideration for dogs in kennels and when training companion dogs and dogs for working roles such as assistance dogs.
"Dog owners know how attuned their pets are to their emotions, but here we show that even the odour of a stressed, unfamiliar human affects a dog's emotional state, perception of rewards, and ability to learn.
"Working dog handlers often describe stress travelling down the lead, but we've also shown it can also travel through the air."
Tagged in Pets