Singing 'Amazing Grace' can reverse the effects of heart disease.

Singing Amazing Grace can prevent heart problems

Singing Amazing Grace can prevent heart problems

Scientists have made the discovery that performing the much-loved hymn for 10 minutes can help cure heart problems and also found that belting out the Beatles classic 'Hey Jude' and Dolly Parton's hit 'Jolene' can provide a similar cardiac boost.

Experts in the US studied the impact of singing a number of different songs on the blood vessels of older people suffering from heart disease.

'Amazing Grace' is particularly effective because songs with a huge chorus have a positive effect on endothelial function - the rate at which oxygen-rich blood flows around the heart.

Researchers at the Medical College of Wisconsin said: "The physiological demands of singing are comparable with walking at a moderately brisk pace and we found that 'Amazing Grace' had the largest effect."

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