Today is all about appreciating the written word and while most of us don’t have the time to read a whole book in a day (I wish!) there is always an opportunity to read something, here are a few suggestions:

Image courtesy of Pixabay
Read a book to your child: If you have a very little one, their books tend to be short and sweet anyway but if you want to read more to your baby/toddler now is the perfect time to do so or if you want to keep up this habit, today should be no exception. If they are old enough- get them to pick something out- if not, choose one that you also enjoy reading and make all the relevant noises and facial expressions to keep them engaged.
Read a book with your child: If your child is old enough, snuggle up in bed or under a blanket on the couch and read something together. You can spend some time afterwards talking about what you both think will happen next and what you enjoyed most about what you read together today.
Dive into a new book: If you have a book you’ve been meaning to start for a while now, make an effort to begin it today. Even if you only get a few pages in, make sure it doesn’t remain a feature on your night stand any longer. Me time is precious and if reading something is what you consider to be your time, it should be a priority in your day.
Finish a book: Perhaps you have a book you only got half way through and haven’t looked at since. If this sounds familiar, dust it off and get back into it. Books are there to be read and you must be a little curious as to how it finishes?!
Buy a new book for your Kindle: Check out what’s on offer for 99p today and download something that takes your fancy. Even if you only read the first chapter, it’s one under your belt.
Re-read an old favourite: You might have a book that you’ve read a dozen times before or that was a childhood favourite, if so, pull it off the bookshelf and return to the world you’ve visited so many times in the past. Let the familiar sights and sounds transport you to your happy place.
Try something new: If you are an avid reader anyway, why not seek out a new genre or author? If you always gravitate towards similar book covers, the same names or formulaic storylines, maybe it’s time for the change.
Happy National Read A Book Day!
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