Seagulls could be put on the contraceptive pill in a bid to reduce attacks.

Seagulls could be put on the pill to stop them attacking people

Seagulls could be put on the pill to stop them attacking people

Council officials in Worcester are thinking about lacing food with birth-control drugs in an attempt to stop the winged pests from ambushing residents in the English city.

Labour councillor Jill Desayrah, who represents the Warndon and Elbury Park Ward, is hoping to "humanely reduce the number of gulls" by copying the contraceptive methods used to control pigeons in Barcelona and Venice.

Cllr Desayrah said: "They laced food that would be attractive to the gulls with contraceptives.

"I passed the idea onto Worcestershire Regulatory Services (WRS) and they are following up on it, seeking permission from the relevant authority.

"I hope that one or a combination of these solutions will reduce the problem because I do feel it's necessary to do something as soon as possible."