Shocked Police were stunned when they came across a quietly ambling along the high street, not your usual jay walker.
The unconcerned bird was spotted on a village street in Strelley, near Nottingham, last weekend.
It had escaped from a nearby farm and wildlife centre, and fortunately the PC’s came across the Penguin before it had chance to get into trouble.
In a post on Broxtowe North Police’s Facebook page, PC Gareth Philp, of Nottinghamshire Police, said: ‘We see some very interesting things while out on patrol, but a penguin walking up the middle of the road has to be one of the more bizarre findings we have come across.
‘We nicknamed him Po-Po. He posed for some pictures with us and he was very friendly with our officers while we made contact with his owner.
The unimpressed runaway was later returned to the Wildlife centre.
Neighbourhood Inspector Gordon Fenwick, of Nottinghamshire Police, commented: ‘Our officers are trained to deal with a variety of incidents with complex demands and it is great that we quickly reunited the penguin with their owner.’