A Canadian politician has apologised after appearing completely naked during a virtual parliamentary meeting.

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William Amos, who represents the Liberal Party for the Quebec district of Pontiac, could be seen starkers behind a desk between the flags of Canada and Quebec with only a mobile phone protecting his modesty.
The MP has expressed regret for his state of undress and described the incident as "an unfortunate error".
In an email statement, Amos said: "My video was accidentally turned on as I was changing into my work clothes after going for a jog.
"I sincerely apologise to my colleagues in the House of Commons for this unintentional distraction. Obviously, it was an honest mistake and it won't happen again."
Speaker Anthony Reid has since reminded MPs to remain vigilant if they are close to a camera or microphone.
Mystery animal turns out to be a croissant
A woman in the city of Krakow called animal welfare officers claiming that people were afraid to open their windows in case the creature got into their homes.
The inspectors were unsure whether it was a bird, reptile or mammal - with the caller suggesting that it could have been an iguana.
When they arrived at the scene, animal officers found that it was simply a croissant that had become lodged in the tree. They believe it was thrown out of a window to feed birds after going stale.
The Krakow Animal Welfare Society wrote on Facebook: "It is difficult to help something when the sight of it almost knocks us off our feet… an attack of laughter.
"The iguana turned out to be… a croissant, a croissant made of puff pastry.
"It probably fell out of one of the windows. He was sitting there and looked quite nice, he liberated his imagination, took on reptilian features. He was almost moving, he was getting ready to invade, he was beginning to resemble a dragon child"
River turns white after milk spillage
Content posted on Twitter revealed that the River Dulais in Carmarthenshire was left discoloured after the incident.
A clip uploaded to the social media site by May Lewis shows milky water cascading over a waterfall.
A post from Natural Resources Wales (NRW) read: "An unknown quantity of milk has entered the River Dulais today following a RTC (road traffic accident) that involved a milk tanker which had left the road.
"This has led to significant discoloration along the river & officers have been on site to assess the impact & will continue tomorrow morning."
NRW team leader Ioan Williams added that no fish seem to have been harmed, despite initial concerns.
He said: "Our fisheries staff have been out and had an in-depth look at the affected stretch. Thankfully they didn't find any dead fish, or fish in distress.
"Our biologists are coming out in the next day or two and they will take a closer look at whether there's been any impact on the invertebrates - the bugs that live in the river."
Drunken pair hospitalised after injecting cream into penises
The unnamed pair, from France, reportedly got the idea after watching a YouTube 'tutorial' providing tips on how to increase the size of your manhood.
However, they ended up requiring medical treatment after they experienced "progressive painful swelling of the penis during the night" following the injection of anti-hematoma cream.
The drunken duo were criticised by Dr. Rich Viney, a consultant urologist at Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham, who told MailOnline: "In this story we have two amateurs, under the influence of alcohol, injecting a product not designed to be injected in their penises under the guidance of a YouTube video.
"This was never going to work out well and there's a real likelihood that there will be irreversible damage with long-term implications for their erections. This is something no right-minded individual would do."
RELATED: Bizarre stories: Dinosaur footprint found on Yorkshire beach and more...
Marie Woods noticed the fossilised print as she was collecting shellfish and experts believe it was made by a dinosaur with a body length of eight to nine metres.
Specialists suggest that it matches the print of a Megalosaurus, which lived between 164 and 175 million years ago.
Woods admits she was stunned to stumble across the print and hopes it can be preserved before it is washed away by the sea.
The archaeologist told Sky News: "I was grabbing some shellfish for dinner. I didn't collect much after seeing that.
"It's in a fragile state and sits close to the water level, meaning it could be lost to the sea.
"John Oxley [former city archaeologist of York] came to take a series [of] photographs so that we could create a 3D model if a collection isn't possible."