Nigels from all over the world have met at a festival.

Nigels from around the world have met at a festival
Pub landlord Nigel Smith gathered hundreds of his namesakes for a party over the weekend in a bid to stop the name from vanishing.
Nigels travelled from as far as Nicaragua and Zimbabwe to be at the festival, which saw guests sign "the book of Nigel".
Birth records for 2016 and 2020 show that the name Nigel has officially become extinct.
Nigel said: "It was absolutely brilliant. We had a fantastic time.
"It was like we all had known each other forever. It was a great feeling for all of us getting together and celebrating our Nigel-ness. Tradition is something you do twice, that's the rule, and we shall do it again."
The event raised over £3,000 for the British Heart Foundation and the landlord is planning his next Nigel night for 2025.