There could be two Loch Ness Monsters lurking in Scottish waters.

There could be more than one Loch Ness Monster

There could be more than one Loch Ness Monster

Extraordinary new footage shows a huge black shape moving around the loch before two humps emerge and Nessie fanatic Eoin O'Faodhagain thinks that it is evidence that a pair of the legendary monsters exist.

O'Faodhagain - who has spent years hunting for Nessie and keeps watch on the water from his home in Ireland - said: "It is obvious that the two Nessie-like humps are moving over a two-minute period, and the larger hump of the two has changed position from the smaller one.

"Given the fact that there is no disturbance of water visible between objects you would have to concur they are two separate moving creatures."

It was claimed earlier this year that Nessie had gone missing as it had not been seen for several months but O'Faodhagain's claim is a fresh twist in the legend of the famous beast.