Mysterious noises from a lake in Colorado have sparked rumours that an alien base is beneath the waters.



Recordings taken from Steamboat Springs in the US state earlier this month have been described as "strange Star Wars sounds' by alien enthusiasts - who suggest that it confirms that an extraterrestrial base exists under the lake.

Scott C. Waring, from the group UFO Sightings Daily, said: "White sphere UFOs have been recorded and witnessed by thousands of residents of Colorado over the last few years.

"The signals point to there being an alien base deep below the lake, which amplifies the sounds below due to it being frozen…it acts as an amplifier.

"Alien bases are never small. Most are 3-6 kilometres (1.8-3.7 miles) deep and cover an area of about 5km (3.1 mi) and even have their own weather system… with chances of rain.

"This is 100 per cent proof of an alien base below this lake in Colorado."