Marmite man changes name

Marmite man changes name

A Marmite fanatic loves the food so much he has changed his last name in tribute.

''I like the smell, the taste, the texture. I think I pretty much like everything about it.''

Saire May has legally changed his moniker by deed poll to Saire Marmite to declare his ''devotion and passion'' to the yeast extract, of which he gets through at least a jar a week.

Speaking to Chronicle Live, the 38-year-old guy said: ''I'm not exactly sure how old I was when I first tried Marmite, but I just remember eating it as far back as I can remember.

''I like the smell, the taste, the texture. I think I pretty much like everything about it.''

As well as being a huge fan of eating the product, Saire has also amassed a staggering collection of Marmite memorabilia including a recipe book dating back to the Second World War.

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