A man dressed as a rabbit has been waving at motorists in West London.

Man dressed as rabbit waves at motorists

Man dressed as rabbit waves at motorists

The rabbit - who wears a waistcoat and a colourful scarf - appears by Barnes bridge in West London on the first day of every month in order to ''spread unconditional love'' to the commuters in the morning.

Writing on the Facebook page 'I AM White Rabbit' the mystery man wrote: ''Its that time of the month..happy November...hope you have all survived the witches and the monsters, the drooling ghosts, the spooky hosts. Here we are having arrived at a full year! Yes the rabbits been sitting on that wall every month since November 2015 and today is a celebration of Autumn. (sic)''

However not all commuters are happy with the white rabbit's monthly visit.

One onlooker tweeted: ''@barnes what on earth was this white rabbit doing at 8am this morning on the terrace? #mysterybarneswhiterabbit (sic)''