A study has found listening to Christmas songs too early can be bad for your health.

Listening to Christmas songs bad for health

Listening to Christmas songs bad for health

A clinical psychologist, Linda Blair, has claimed tuning into the festive tunes can stop people from focusing on ''anything else'' but December 25 because you are burning energy cutting out all of the surrounding noise and goings on, Sky News has reported.

Linda said: ''People working in the shops at Christmas have to tune out Christmas music, because if they don't, it really does stop you from being able to focus on anything else.

''You're simply spending all of your energy trying not to hear what you're hearing.''

And another expert named Victoria Williamson, PhD, has found that listening to songs too early could ruin them on Christmas Day itself.

In a separate interview, she said: ''There's a U-shaped relationship between the amount of times we hear music that we like and our subsequent reaction to it.''

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