An Indian YouTuber has been arrested after he cooked and ate a peacock.

A Indian YouTuber has been arrested for cooking and eating a peacock

A Indian YouTuber has been arrested for cooking and eating a peacock

Kodam Pranay Kumar sparked outrage by uploading a video that showed him eating a curry made from the national bird of India and was detained on Monday (12.08.24) after "other videos in his mobile phone confirmed" that the bird he cooked was suspected to be a peacock.

The YouTuber has denied the allegations and insists that the dish was made of chicken but samples of the curry have been sent to a forensic laboratory to determine exactly which meat was used.

Akhil Mahajan, police superintendent in the state of Telangana, said: "He is now in jail for 14 days under the Wildlife Protection Act and now the court would decide whether he'd remain inside or get a bail."

The Indian peacock is symbolic in the country and is instantly recognisable with its striking blue colours but their numbers in the wild have been drastically reduced in recent years as a result of urbanisation and habitat loss.