A woman's doorbell camera captured a herd of escaped dairy cow destroying her front yard.

A woman captured a herd of escaped dairy cows on her doorbell camera

A woman captured a herd of escaped dairy cows on her doorbell camera

Alisha, from the state of Georgia was woken up by a curious cow nudging her doorbell, accidentally activating the recording, which captured numerous runaway bovines from a local farm grazing in her front garden.

Alisha told Newsweek:"There was one cow in particular that I caught on camera trying to eat the Ring Video Doorbell, but it held strong through the whole ordeal. "The cow ended up giving up and enjoyed a plant, instead.”

She also said: "The cows completely destroyed my new landscaping and ate my bushes. There are deep holes from the cows walking in the grass, along with some lovely cow pies, but overall fixable damage.”

The herd were safely returned home but it is not understood how they got out.