A futurologist is convinced blending humans with robotics and deploying AI will help people live until the age of 1,000.

A futurologist is convinced blending humans with robotics and deploying AI will help people live until the age of 1,000

A futurologist is convinced blending humans with robotics and deploying AI will help people live until the age of 1,000

Transhumanist, inventor and computer scientist Ray Kurzweil has used his latest book to say artificial intelligence could be an unbeatable tool in fighting diseases and helping humanity make more money.

His predictions fly in the face of warnings from tech campaigners AI is set to replace millions of workers and spark global poverty and catastrophic changes.

Ray’s book says thanks to advances already made in AI and robotics, by 2030 people will be living to 120.

He also states he believes technology is leaping ahead so fast “the first person to live to 1,000 years has likely already been born”.

His ‘The Singularity Is Nearer When We Merge With AI’ book forecasts “nanobots” will be placed in patients’ blood to cure diseases.

And Ray puts forward the theory humanity will soon have the chance to rebuild their bodies with the help of robots.

The Times said in a review of the tome: “Kurzweil’s new book revisits his earlier volume, repeating and reinforcing its message.

“Everything he previously predicted is, he says, coming true.

“‘The Singularity’ will launch us into bright, sunlit uplands: superintelligent artificial intelligence (AI) will interface with human consciousness, expanding our mental capacities a millionfold; nanotechnology will cure all illness; a second industrial revolution will generate global prosperity from which all benefit.

“To support its claims the book is supplied with great hose-blasts of data – a hundred pages of tiny-font notes and appendices – and the tone is remorselessly upbeat throughout.”

Ray also thinks losing millions of jobs globally to AI will only help economies as he says the tech will generate so much wealth through automation governments will be able to citizens huge wages.