Four friends are attempting to do 500 push-ups while listening to the same song repeatedly.



The group of university students will take on a charity challenge that sees them do 500 push-ups a day between them - all while listening to The Proclaimers' 'I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)' on a loop.

Joe Hensman and friends Ben, Cooper and Jacob are performing the unique challenge to raise money for mental health charity MIND.

Joe told LADbible: "Over lockdown we, along with our friends, family, and other people all around the globe, have been suffering from mental health challenges. As a group we decided to raise money and awareness for mental health issues."

He added: "After the challenge we think that hearing the song will induce a reflex action in which we drop down to the floor and start doing push-ups.

"We'd like to say we will carry on listening to it afterwards but we can't make any promises. At least we will know all the words."