A 5-year-old boy from Texas was reunited with a teddy he lost three months ago in Wisconsin.

A little boy was reunited with his long-lost teddy bear

A little boy was reunited with his long-lost teddy bear

Ezekiel Burnett thought his much-loved toy was gone forever after it got stuck in the rafters at Mitchell International Airport in Milwaukee in November, which prompted “giant tears”.

His dad David told WITI-TV: "He was tossing it up in the air, you know -- kids. And he tossed it a little bit too high, and it got stuck up in the rafters. "And I looked at it and said, 'Nope, that's there. It's not coming back down.' And from there, giant tears came down."

However, airport staff got him down and tracked down the Burnetts via a social media campaign, something David called a “fun story”.

After flying back to get it back, Ezekiel told WTMJ-TV that he was “so happy” to get the plaything back.