Diners at Five Guys fast food chain have ordered bacon and cherry milkshakes.

Five Guys
With almost 200,000 burgers sold across the chain's 60 restaurants each week and a whole host of celebrity fans including Mollie King, Ed Sheeran and Sam Smith, the eatery has compiled a set of weird facts about the food its customers order.
The most weird milkshake combination to be ordered is bacon and cherry, whilst the most popular combo is strawberry, banana and salted caramel and Coke vanilla and Fanta peach are the most popular carbonated drinks from the self-serve machines.
Meanwhile of the 28,000 burgers flipped daily - 200,000 weekly, and 10,400,000 annually - the most popular topping is 'all the way' which features ketchup, mustard, mushrooms. onion, lettuce, tomatoes, mayo, and pickle.
In addition, the firm goes through 68 tonnes of potatoes per week to make Five Guys delicious salted and cajun fries with 1,100 gallons of peanut oil used to cook them each week.