A face bra which promises to get rid of double chins has been launched.
The product works by being strapped around a person's head and claims to remove 1cm of fat from the chin after a single use. Customers are entitled to a full refund after 30 days if they are not satisfied with the results.
A product description reads: ''Get rid of your double chin and slim down your face with the Face Bra. No painful diets, hours on the treadmill, or tedious face exercises needed.
''By using the Face Bra for 40 minutes 3-4 times a week, you'll start noticing chin and face fat reduction with every use.''
One reviewer was impressed with the strange garment, describing it as ''amazing''.
She wrote: ''Guys seriously at first I was very very sceptical about this thing but like there's so many good reviews so I decided to give it a try and seriously I've never been more amazed in my entire life.''