Having sex on a daily basis can cut the risk of heart attack and strokes.

Having sex every day cuts the risk of heart attacks and strokes

Having sex every day cuts the risk of heart attacks and strokes

A study has found that brief bursts of intense activity each day - including getting it on in the bedroom or climbing the stairs - could be lifesaving.

Scientists argue that this good news for people - particularly females - who can't stand getting a sweat on.

NHS GP Dr. Hana Patel told The Sun newspaper: "As having sex increases our heart rate, sex counts as exercise - especially given it does not last long (usually!).

"But it would need to be with some gusto to count as vigorous exercise - the same running for the bus, bursts of power walking while doing errands or playing high-energy games with the kids.

"Short bursts of activity burn more calories, increase metabolic rate, and improve endurance and strength - all in less time.

"Simply ramping up your activity for a few minutes, a few times a day can improve health."