COVID-19 sufferers are being told to eat Hula Hoops to beat the disease.
Health chiefs are concerned that the battle to wipe out the respiratory illness is being undermined by quack remedies.
One woman said she had been told to snack on the crisps to increase her blood pressure after coronavirus left her with lasting health issues.
Other myths surrounding the virus included avoiding foods such as avocados and aubergines and medics fear social media rumours could be "harmful" for those suffering from long Covid.
NHS England’s medical director Professor Stephen Powis said: "The continued spread of misinformation around cures or quick fixes for long Covid is putting people at risk from ineffective, exploitative and even damaging treatments.
"Spending thousands of pounds on a trip to a resort in the Alps will have little effect on anything other than your bank balance, and following fad diets and injecting antioxidants is unnecessary and potentially harmful if not administered correctly."