An aeroplane was forced to turn around mid-air as its destination airport was closed due to Covid-19 restrictions.

The Eurowings flight from Düsseldorf to Sardinia, Italy, was forced to go back to Germany after it was unable to land in the city of Olbia.
Pilots ''were told by air traffic control on approach to the destination airport that landing was not possible'', according to a Eurowings spokeswoman.
The crew were forced to make a number of circuits off the Sardinian coast before turning back, although fortunately there were only two passengers on board.
The spokeswoman added that the mistake happened due to the confusion caused by the coronavirus pandemic, which has restricted air travel across the globe.
The press officer said the ''dynamic'' situation at European airports had led to the mishap, even though Italian airports are shut until June 3.
She added: ''We have figured out that there was a misunderstanding when putting together the relevant information for the flight.''