Cheese can help people sleep.

Eating cheese leads to improved sleep

Eating cheese leads to improved sleep

The dairy snack is often associated with nightmares but new research has found that those who regularly eat it have a 28 per cent reduced risk of sleep apnoea - closing of the throat that causes severe snoring.

A study of 400,000 Brits from experts at China's Chengdu University found 20 ways in which cheese can lower sleep apnoea risk - including increasing testosterone and lowering blood pressure.

They argue that not enough attention has been paid to the connection between diet and sleep apnoea.

The team wrote in the Sleep Medicine journal: "This relationship may be crucial."

The findings come after a recent study proved that people with the healthiest diets were nearly a fifth less likely to develop the condition than those who didn't eat vegetables.

Dr. Yohannes Melaku, of Flinders University in Australia, said: "It could be that a healthy plant-based diet reduces inflammation and obesity - key factors in obstructive sleep apnoea risk."