A café has been slammed for displaying a joke about a disabled woman.

Bizarre on Female First

Bizarre on Female First

The Seddon Deadly Sins cafe has sparked controversy after it put the handwritten sign on display.

It read: ''My girlfriend broke up with me, so I stole her wheelchair.

''Guess who came crawling back.''

But the joke - which was shown at the establishment in Melbourne, Australia - has garnered negative feedback on social media.

One angry customer wrote: ''Any café that thinks jokes about abuse and violence and against disabled people is NOT a community café worth supporting.''

Another added: ''Going for the cheap shot is just that - Cheap. And nasty.''

However, others decided not to take the sign too seriously.

One wrote: ''Your blackboard made me laugh. It also treated people the same way as everyone else which is what we're always hearing about - 'They just want to be treated to same way as everyone else...'. Isn't that how it goes?