Beer could taste better if it is brewed in space.

Beer brewed in space tastes nicer

Beer brewed in space tastes nicer

Scientists have found that creating lager in microgravity - similar to the conditions experienced in orbit - accelerates fermentation, reduces unwanted fruity by-products and results in "a higher quality product".

Experts at the University of Florida believe that the improvements to the beer were down cells being in constant suspension - preventing them from settling and thereby maximising the nutrients available.

Andrew MacIntosh, the lead researcher in the study, said: "We are absolutely going to be conducting fermentations under microgravity in the future, as we continue space exploration.

"It's essential that we look at what some of those outcomes may be now so we can decide which processes are going to be the first ones we perform under microgravity, how we adapt them, and how we can take advantage of the changes we see."

The team also think the microgravity conditions could enhance the quality of other products such as bread and yoghurt.