A group shoppers were forced to take refuge in their cars after a grumpy goat forced his way into a store in Northern Ireland and started charging at them.

Goat terrorises store
The highly-strung animal trotted into Eurospar in Carrickfergus and chased frightened customers up and down the aisles until they eventually managed to flee the shop and hide in their vehicles in the parking area at the front of the establishment.
The store's manager Jonathan Smyth told the Daily Mirror newspaper: ''It's just something you didn't expect. I turned around and there was a goat with this big eyes starring right at me. He held eye contact for about 30 seconds.''
Although no one was injured in the incident, things may have turned out very differently if Jonathan hadn't managed to drag his regular customer Billy out of the way of the goat.
He explained: ''We have a pensioner named Billy who shops here and it charged at him and I grabbed him and dragged him through the door just in time before the goat crashed into the door. Billy was being attacked by a billy goat!''
Despite fearing for his life at the time, the manager can't help but giggle when he thinks back on the random animal attack.
He said: ''It was great, it made my day. When I saw it I burst into stitches.''