Aliens are two billion years more advanced than human beings.

Aliens are far more advanced than humans
UFO whistleblower lawyer Danny Sheehan believes that extraterrestrials are way ahead of people in terms of technological advancement and also suggests they travel to and from Earth on a regular basis.
Sheehan said: "They are two billion years more technologically advanced than we are and they have figured how to come and go from our planet."
The lawyer has been responsible for bringing UFO whistleblowers to the US Congress in recent times and recently claimed that aliens were on the brink of staging an "intervention" to save Earth from destruction.
Sheehan told the Julian Dorey Podcast: "They are on the brink of instigating a potential intervention on the part of an extraterrestrial civilisation in order to preserve the life-generating capacity of our planet."
He suggested that the little green men are "panicking" about world leaders driving the planet to nuclear war and environmental collapse.