An 'alien-head'-like object has been found at a site in Kuwait.

An object resembling an alien head has been found in Kuwait

An object resembling an alien head has been found in Kuwait

Kuwaiti and Polish researchers discovered the 7,000-year-old clay item in Bahra 1 - which is one of the oldest settlements in Arabia.

The "small, finely crafted head, with slanted eyes, a flat nose and an elongated skull" is believed to be the first of its kind to be discovered in the Gulf region.

The team also found confirmation of local pottery production - imported pottery and Coarse Red Ware (CRW).

Professor Piotr Bieliński from the University of Warsaw's Mediterranean Archaeology centre, said: "The presence of this figurine at our site raises intriguing questions about its purpose and the symbolic, and perhaps ritual, meaning it may have had for the community inhabiting this settlement."