Honey laced with Viagra has been seized in record amounts in France.
Customs officials have warned of a huge surge in the illegal importation of banned "love honey" that is being ...
Brits guzzle enough gallons of tea in the morning to fill four Olympic-sized swimming pools.
A survey of 2,000 people carried out by PG Tips found that 53 million cups of ...
The Solar System may have been warped by a mysterious object billions of years ago.
Scientists think a huge object shot its way through space and forced Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and ...
Trips to the moon and astro-planes could be common by 2075.
Psychic and astrologer Inbaal Honigman thinks that "tours to the moon" and space travel will be happening regularly 50 years ...
Common drugs could lower the risk of getting dementia.
Researchers from the University of Cambridge and the University of Exeter have found that antibiotics, some vaccines, antivirals, and anti-inflammatory drugs are ...
Peeing could be as contagious as yawning.
Scientists have discovered that chimps are likely to urinate when they see others doing it - and even more so when a dominant member ...
The Loch Ness Monster and Bigfoot are "pure fantasy".
Oxford University boffin Professor Tim Coulson has told millions hunting the legendary beasts to "get another hobby" as their existence is extremely ...
A woman has had the word "Wetherspoons" tattooed across her stomach.
Tasha Bentley recently opted to spend £500 getting the name of the popular pub chain tattooed across her body, and ...
US President Donald Trump has "orange blindness", according to a make-up artist.
The billionaire businessman has returned to the White House after a four-year absence, and celebrity make-up artist Safia Cox ...
Brits are soaking their Full English breakfasts with gravy.
One in 10 pour the roast dinner staple over their eggs, sausages and bacon, while just seven per cent opt for the ...
The Moon could be a chunk of Earth.
It has long been believed the lunar surface was formed from molten debris when the hypothetical body Theia hit Earth 4.5 billion years ...
The firmness of handshakes could determine how successful people are at relationships.
Men and women with hard-gripping handshakes are much more likely to be in long-term relationships.
The study from Washington State ...
Smokers are more likely to quit if they are rewarded for doing so.
A new study has revealed that incentives are particularly effective for pregnant women, who are twice as likely ...
Woolly mammoths could return to Earth by 2028.
Colossal Sciences, a biotechnology and genetic engineering firm based in Texas, is aiming to "de-extinct" the beast and claim that it could be ...
Parents do have favourite children.
Experts at Brigham Young University in the US have revealed that parents prefer their daughters to their sons - even if they make out they love ...
A toothbrush that detects cancer and cavities could replace dentists.
The team behind the u-shaped Feno Smartbrush mouthpiece claims it can get rid of plaque and thoroughly clean teeth in just ...
A metal detectorist has bagged £50,000.
Paul Collingwood, 73, has been hunting for treasure for years, but it was a £4 bet at a Betfred branch in County Durham that helped ...
Some food experimenters put coffee and marmite in their spaghetti bolognese.
A survey of more than 2,000 UK adults revealed that Brits are becoming creative with their Spag Bol recipes and ...
Hot and cold homes could increase the risk of getting dementia.
Researchers from Harvard University found that heat could lead to brain damage due to excess sweating and dehydration while cold ...
Aliens could invade Earth if the International Space Station is destroyed.
The 356-foot (end-to-end) capsule, which orbits the Earth 16 times a day at speeds of about 17,500 miles per hour, ...
Pensioners can dodge depression by being "moderately" drunk in retirement.
Experts think that drinking between one and four glasses of booze per day can fend off the blues but warn against ...
Scientists share the belief that aliens exist.
A survey has revealed that almost nine in ten (86 per cent) astrobiologists - who study extraterrestrials for a living - concur that aliens ...
Sausages and bacon increase the threat of dementia.
Boffins at Harvard University claim that removing red meat from your diet could slash the risk of the cognitive disease by up to ...
Birds 'talk' to other species during migration.
Scientists discovered last year that birds 'buddy up' with others at stopover sites while migrating and it has now been found that they even ...