Stuart Bowman was "so disappointed" when he found out he wasn't the main 'Bodyguard' villain.

Stuart Bowman

Stuart Bowman

The 'Versailles' actor was convinced his character, MI5's Stephen Hunter-Dunn, was responsible for the death of home secretary Julia Montague (Keeley Hawes) in the thrilling BBC One drama after he read the first three episode's scripts, but he was crestfallen when creator Jed Mercurio told him his alter-ego wasn't responsible for the tragedy.

He said: "We had the first three episodes, we got to the end of that, we filmed that, didn't have the second three episodes, there's a bit where [Richard] Longcross says, 'Shall we put a plan in place?' and then she [Julia Montague played by Keeley Hawes] blows up, so I'm thinking, 'Well, I did it.'

"So we turned up to film the next three episodes and I'm going [to writer Jed Mercurio] 'Jed, Jed, Jed was it me?' He said, 'No mate'. I was so disappointed."

A second series of the show - which came to a dramatic end in Sunday night's (23.09.18) finale - is yet to be commissioned, but Stuart has hinted Jed has been talks about the possibility.

He said: "I don't know if even Jed's had talks ... I imagine he has."

Stephanie Hyam, who played Chanel Dyson, added: "That would be cool."

The 'Jekyll and Hyde' actress knew her alter-ego would play a bigger part later on in the series based on the casting director's facial expressions.

Speaking in a joint interview on 'This Morning', she added: "I was told that there was twists. You can tell from the face of the casting director going like, she's [Chanel] not what she seems.

"So I was like, I know what I'm in for..."

The series came to a conclusion on Sunday night when personal protection officer David Budd (Richard Madden) discovered who was responsible for Julia's death.