Sam Evans

Sam Evans

'Big Brother' winner Sam Evans is planning to go back to work at Debenhams.

The 23-year-old reality star has vowed to do a few shifts at the department store to keep himself busy, despite pocketing £100,000 prize money for triumphing on the Channel 5 show on Monday night (19.08.13).

He said: "I will go back to work. A couple of shifts now and again, just so I'm keeping myself in a job. But I'd love to do some things regarding TV. I'd definitely take a few opportunities."

Sam - who was born with 70 to 80 per cent hearing loss - has promised to donate £25,000 of his prize money to charity and he is keen to help out kids or hearing aid charities.

He added to The Sun newspaper: "Definitely something to do with hearing aids, or helping children have a better experience in life. I'd like to provide money to a company that can use it to make better hearing aids or invest in speech therapists. So I can give deaf children a better way of life.

"£100,000 is a lot of money. Even if I give away a generous amount of money, I still have a lot left over.

"I don't think I'd ever regret it as I feel very strongly about it."