Prue Leith has become a grandmother for a fourth time.

Prue Leith

Prue Leith

The 'Great British Bake Off' judge is ecstatic her daughter Li-Da - who she adopted after the youngster was orphaned at 16 months old by the Khmer Rouge regime in Cambodia - has now taken in a new baby after trying to adopt for four years.

Prue is quoted by the Daily Mirror newspaper as saying: "I am so fascinated by adoption because my daughter is adopted and she is Cambodian.

"When I adopted her, which was 44 years ago, it was comparatively easy, they checked us out in five seconds.

"Li-Da has been four years trying to adopt, and now finally last week she has got a baby."

The 79-year-old restaurateur previously admitted that when she took in Li-Da she warmed to her instantly and saw her as no different to her biological child, Daniel.

She said: "I saw [Rayne's] point that there were enough children in the world already, but I did worry, 'Will I ever love an adopted child as much as I love Daniel?'

"But it took just 24 hours with Li-Da to know the answer to 'who would you save if you could only save one of them?' was: whichever is nearest."

And Prue believes she is a "terrible granny" because she works so much.

She said: "By 7pm I wanted the children in bed so I could have a drink and watch telly, while my son and daughter-in-law are amazing - they will go on playing with their three for ever.

"I'm a terrible granny, always working."

Prue was married to Rayne Kruger - who was 20 years her senior - until his passing in 2002, and then she tied the knot with new beau John Playfair three years ago.

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