Linda Nolan began ticking various ambitions off her bucket-list during the midst of her cancer fight.

Linda Nolan

Linda Nolan

The 60-year-old star was diagnosed with cancer in 2017 and though her illness is currently "contained", she remains determined to live the fullest, most enjoyable life possible having been given a "second chance".

Linda - who was also diagnosed with breast cancer in 2006 - told the Sunday Mirror newspaper: "The cancer hasn't spread and that's the main thing. That is the worry, of course.

"It's treatable and not curable - and the treatment is working well. The only side-effect is arthritis in every joint which is very painful, but at least it's not cancer."

Linda has ambitious plans for the future and has insisted she won't allow her health scare to stop her having fun.

She said: "You have to be optimistic. There are lots of things I want to do with my life. I've been given a second chance."

Meanwhile, Linda admitted in 2018 that she started self-harming after her husband died.

The singer revealed that following the passing of her husband Brian Hudson - who died of skin cancer - in 2007, she began to self-harm without realising what she was doing.

She said: "I self harm. I bite my hand or I rub my skin until it bleeds.

"I started once my husband died in 2007. The pain there took away the pain in [my heart].

"And it made me feel better. I still do it sometimes, but I don't even know I'm doing it."

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