Twitter is making changes to its redesign after users complained about the new style.



The redesign - which was only unveiled last week - involved a custom font, Chirp, and high-contrast colours, with the social networking platform admitting "it might feel weird at first".

However, a lot of users - included those with accessibility needs - insisted the new design was hard to read, uncomfortably bright and confusing.

Others claimed they suffered from headaches and discomfort due to the design.

Twitter later responded and said: "We're making contrast changes on all buttons to make them easier on the eyes because you told us the new look is uncomfortable for people with sensory sensitivities."

They then added: "We've identified issues with the Chirp font for Windows users and are actively working on a fix."

One user asked if the site would implement "font choice" and the ability to resize.

They responded: "We’re currently going through everyone’s feedback on the font and we’ll be iterating and making fixes."