Huawei hopes to develop better relations with the new US administration.



The Chinese telecoms giant has previously been accused of using its equipment for spying, but Ren Zhengfei - the company's founder - hopes new US President Joe Biden will be more collaborative than Donald Trump.

He said: "I hope the new US administration will come up with more open policies that are in the interests of US companies and the US economy as a whole."

At present, the firm finds itself on the US Department of Commerce’s Entity List, meaning its access is restricted to US technology and software.

He added: "I think it's very unlikely that the US will remove us from the Entity List. I won't say it's impossible, but it's extremely unlikely."

Last year, meanwhile, Antoine Griezmann ended his sponsorship deal with Huawei following allegations the firm was involved in the surveillance of Muslim Uighurs.

Huawei denied the allegations, adding that it was "saddened" by Griezmann's decision.

The French soccer star wrote on Instagram: "Following strong suspicions that Huawei has contributed to the development of a 'Uighurs alert' through the use of facial recognition software, I am immediately ending my partnership with the company."

Huawei has denied the allegations and offered to speak to the French star to clarify the situation.

A spokesperson for the company said: "We would like to extend an invitation to speak to him personally, to explain the work that is currently being done at the highest level, inside the company, to address the issues of human rights, equality, and discrimination at all levels, and to reassure him, and all our customers and partners, that Huawei takes these concerns very seriously."

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