Amazon has unveiled the Dash Cart.

Amazon Go Store

Amazon Go Store

The online retailer has developed a trolley which is able to scan products so customers don't have to go through the checkout at stores.

The robust trolley has weight sensors and cameras that scan the products as they are placed into the cart, meaning there is no need to queue up to pay.

It has been tipped to be a mini version of the Amazon Go store, a chain of convenience stores in the United States, including in Seattle, Chicago and San Francisco, whereby customers can happily shop knowing purchase and payment is automated.

Dilly Kumar, vice president of Amazon's physical retail and technology, said: "Our primary motivation for building this was to be able to save customers time.

"The alternative solutions are standing in the express checkout lanes or fumbling through self-checkout stations."

The first Dash Carts will be launched at Amazon's Woodland Hills store in California, later this year.

Amazon - led by CEO Jeff Bezos - has invested $1.2 trillion into the US grocery market.

First came Amazon Go in 2016, with Amazon Go Grocery following, to include fresh produce.

Amazon also purchased Whole Foods in 2017, and it's been reported that they could bring in the automated hardware to those stores as well.