Two men scaled the roof of the Queen's Gallery at Buckingham Palace to protest over fathers' rights.

Buckingham Palace

Buckingham Palace

Martin Matthews, 48, and Bobby Smith, 33, used a ladder to climb about 18ft onto the building yesterday (29.11.15) from where they held up banners, including one which read: "I'm Harry's dad. Stop the war on dads."

The pair were on the roof for around eight hours until they were eventually arrested for trespassing on a protected site.

One even admitted they were prepared to "take a bullet" to get their point across.

Speaking from the roof, Martin is quoted by MailOnline as saying: "We parked a road away and came with a long ladder and walked past a number of armed policemen. They presumed we were workmen.

"Obviously there were a few concerns. People are going to be nervous at the moment.

"But even if I had taken a bullet, it would have been worth the risk."

The pair were protesting as part of a joint campaign between groups New Fathers 4 Justice and Stop The War On Dads.

Neither Queen Elizabeth nor Prince Philip were thought to be home at the time of the protest.