Machine Gun Kelly wants to "break the mould" with his new music.

Machine Gun Kelly

Machine Gun Kelly

The 'Bloody Valentine' rapper is keen to keep reinventing himself every time he releases new tracks and he wants to be so "polarising" that people feel like they have to listen to his music.

Asked what intention he has for his music career in the future, he shared: "Break the mould of everything I just did … and piss people off all over again. Even when I say, 'Break the mould and piss people off all over again', I just mean make them think again; make them have a moment of like, 'This artist is so polarising that I have to tune in'.

"Because I don’t want to be bored with an artist, and I think Kanye West's a great example of that. We all have moments of sitting at dinner tables talking about Kanye and being like, 'I didn’t like this!' or, 'I loved this!' or, 'Why is he doing that?!' But I’ll tell you what, man. We’re still talking about him and we know that there’s greatness in there behind it."

And MGK wants to emulate the success of the likes of Kanye West and Prince.

Speaking to LA radio station KROQ of eventually having a legendary status within music, he added: "It's not gonna be easy, and I'm aware of that. I'm happy to keep breaking the mould."

Meanwhile, Machine Gun Kelly previously insisted his pop punk album 'Tickets To My Downfall' will "make demand for guitar music go up" and he has inspired the "new generation".

He said: "Let’s just be stoked about something. This album might be the reason why bands of our generation, instead of the Foo Fighters, Green Day or one of those established artists, get to headline Coachella and s*** like that – because this album is gonna make the demand for guitar music go up! It’s tapped into the new generation of kids, the 13-to-18-year-olds."

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