Stacey Solomon

Stacey Solomon

Stacey Solomon fans are refusing to believe that Stacey finished in third place this weekend simply because she wasn’t as good sa Olly and Joe, but because she was forced to sing with Michael Buble instead of Madonna.

First off Madonna on the X factor? WTF?! That’s like HUGE… but obviously Madge didn’t have anything to promote, so she decided to let out girl down at the last minute.

Whilst we think Michael is gorgeous and a great singer, we all know that a duet with Madonna could have sent Stacey sailing into the final, and now fans are complaining that she was stitched up because Michael Buble is not as high profile as Robbie Williams or George Michael.

Apparently, the vot8ng percentages this weekend were very close between Olly and Stacey, so had she had duetted with the Queen Of Pop, there might have been more chance of her taking the winners crown, but apparently, Joe was streets ahead of the pair of them (boo hiss)

But do you think Stacey was set up, or did she never have a chance of winning anyway?

FemaleFirst - Ruth Harrison

Not bothered?

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