I'm hoping Oli Sykes wasn't directing this at us!

I'm hoping Oli Sykes wasn't directing this at us!

Bring Me The Horizon have a bit of a reputation as being, well, idiots, but determined to find out whether this was all media speculation, or whether Oli Sykes is the most arrogant man on the planet, FemaleFirst went of the hunt for him backstage at the Kerrang! Tour and got to the bottom of this nonsense.

How are you enjoying being on the tour because Kerrang! Have been big supporters of yours recently?

Yeah, it’s been alright, it’s been a bit different and the tour has a diverse mix of bands playing so it means that people who might not have heard our band before can check out our music.

How are you getting along with the other bands on the tour?

Yeah, we’re getting on with them alright and we’ve been getting along with Black Tide quite well, they stayed on our bus last night and partied. They’re the same kind of age as us, but I mean, everyone is nice and we’re getting along with all of them!

So if you were to take out one of the bands with you on your next tour, who would it be?

Probably Black Tide because they’re a cool bunch of lads and they know how to party!

So have you got any new material coming out any time soon?

Nope! We have some mileage left in our current record but at the end of the year we’ll start writing again.

Right, you have quite a bit of a bad reputation in the media, people think you’re cocky and arrogant… what do you have to say about that?

The Mitchell brothers ain’t got nowt on us! It would be nice if we were like that, but unfortunately we’re not. I haven’t been drunk once on this tour! We do like to go out and have a good time and drink and stuff but there are a lot of times when we’re in bed before midnight.

So what’s been your most memorable gig to date?

I don’t know, this tour is one of the best tour’s we’ve done actually. We were a bit apprehensive at first because it is such a diverse mix of bands playing and there are a lot of people who don’t like our band. We were a bit worried at first about playing to people who aren’t our fans but the shows have been really really good and this tour could be the most memorable, but it’s definitely been the biggest surprise.

Just Chillin'

Your fan base is obviously vastly different from the headline act Mindless Self Indulgence’s; have to audience been as good as at one of your own headline shows?

They have been great; you can see everyone who have come to see your band because they’re singing along to all of the words; but then there are the rest of the people who might not know the words but they look as though they’re getting into it.

Everyone in the audience has been jumping about and having a good time; you can tell some people doesn’t know who the hell we are but they look like they’re getting into it.

Well people might go out and buy your album now! But why should people spend their last £10 on your album this weekend?

They probably shouldn’t; just download it for free! But if they did it has nice artwork, it’s also on recycled paper. So actually they’re helping the environment and getting a good CD!

I like it, Bring Me The Horizon saves the Earth! Anyway, if you could cover any song in the world, what would it be?

We got asked to cover a pop song a while ago. I’d like to cover Fast Car by Tracey Chapman.

Who do you think is the greatest artist of all time?

Picasso [FF: Ooh! I like it you little comedian!] No, I’d say Freddie Mercury.

If you could change one thing about the music business, what would it be?

We’d get all the money. Get rid of MP3’s too.

What advice would you give to band’s wanting to follow in your footsteps.

Don’t bother! But if they really want to, you need to believe in what you’re doing; if you don’t think it’s amazing what you’re doing then you shouldn’t be doing it.

What has been the most terrifying moment of your life?

Ooh, it’s funny you should ask that! It was actually about 10 minutes ago! We were all sat in a bar and this weird old woman came up to us and this old woman came up to us and asked if she could sit down on our table - there were other places to sit - but it was just awkward because we were talking and didn’t want her to sit down and we were wondering if she was trying to sell us something.

We told her to sit somewhere else and then she walked off and started pacing up and down the bar and we were dead scared.

So what do you think is the most important invention of the past 100 years?

The contraceptive pill or the TV; the TV is alright isn’t it.

If you won an entire box set of movies featuring just one actor or actress who would it be?

Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jemma Jameson. Then we’d have a good mix of action and porn films.

Wonderful! Well thanks for taking the time out to talk to us, have fun tonight!

So are they utterly arrogant, well I didn’t think so, they’re just like any young lads on tour; excitable and horny.

FemaleFirst - Ruth Harrison

Read our review of the nights events here