Cheryl Cole

Cheryl Cole

I know school can get a bit boring sometimes, but according to a new survey, kid’s wouldn’t mind education if someone like Cheryl Cole was teaching the lesson!

In a survey by swapit, results showed that Chezza and her "glitz and glamour" would be make her the kids number one teacher, whilst - somewhat worryingly - Katie Price was also in the top ten. Ahead of Peter Andre.

Other stars making the top ten included David Tennant (2nd), Miley Cyrus (3rd) and David Beckham (4th), although David might not be impressed to hear that the kids rated global warming as more important than England winning the World Cup.

The top 10 is below, so do you agree with the kids picks, and would you let them loose amongst your younger selves?

1.       Cheryl Cole
2.       David Tennant
3.       Miley Cyrus
4.       David Beckham
5.       Stephen Gerrard
6.       Wayne Rooney
7.       Katie Price
8.       Aston Merrygold (JLS)
9.       Stephen Fry
10.   Peter Andre

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