Directed by acclaimed filmmaker Margy Kinmonth, Revolution: New Art for a New World is a bold and exciting feature documentary that encapsulates a momentous period in the history of Russia and the Russian Avant-Garde.

Revelution - New Art For A New World

Revelution - New Art For A New World

Drawing on the collections of major Russian institutions, contributions from contemporary artists, curators and performers and personal testimony from the descendants of those involved, the film brings the artists of the Russian Avant-Garde to life.

It tells the stories of artists like Chagall, Kandinsky and Malevich - pioneers who flourished in response to the challenge of building a new art for a new world, only to be broken by implacable authority after 15 short years and silenced by Stalin's Socialist Realism.

Yet these remarkable artworks survived and the Russian Avant-Garde continues to exert an influence over contemporary art movements.

Revolution: New Art for a New World confirms this; exploring the fascination that these colourful paintings, inventive sculptures and propaganda posters retain over the modern consciousness 100 years on.

Foxtrot films and Producer/Director Margy Kinmonth along with Emmy Award-winning Producer Maureen Murray made this bold, hard-hitting, internationally acclaimed film about art and culture.

Filmed entirely on location in Moscow, St. Petersburg and London, with access to The State Tretyakov Gallery, The State Russian Museum, The State Hermitage Museum and in co-operation with The Royal Academy of Arts, London. The film features paintings previously banned and unseen for decades, and masterpieces which rarely leave Russia.

Contributors include Museum Directors Professor Mikhail Piotrovsky and Zelfira Tregulova and film director Andrei Konchalovsky. The film also features Matthew Macfadyen, Tom Hollander, James Fleet, Eleanor Tomlinson and Daisy Bevan .

Not to be missed Revolution - Art For A New World is only in the cinema for one date only for details

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