Leonardo DiCaprio

Leonardo DiCaprio

Leonardo DiCaprio has said that directing would be an 'interesting challenge' for him.

He says that has no idea what director he would be but admits that it has been interesting have watched the likes of Martin Scorsese and Baz Luhrmann over the years.

The Oscar nominated actor has hinted that he would think about turning his hand to directing further down the line, but it doesn't seem like he will be giving it a go any time soon.

Speaking to Access Hollywood the actor said: "I would like to. It's interesting, having worked with people like Baz Luhrmann to Scorsese and seeing all these different approaches they have, how much they include other departments, how much they just rely on their own instincts and have their own attitude about what the movie should be about.

"I don't know what type of director I would be. It would be an interesting challenge because you have to judge so many different factors, it's not just about you and your performance and trying to interact with the other characters.

"You have 15 different department heads asking you questions and studio bosses pressuring you and schedules and things to think about. I think it would be an incredibly difficult job to undertake.

"We'll see, someday down the line I think it'd be pretty interesting."

DiCaprio can currently be seen on the big screen as he reunites with Luhrmann for The Great Gatsby.

And the actor has just one more movie project to drop this year and that is The Wolf of Wall Street. The movie is based on a true story and sees him with Oscar winner Scorsese once again; it would be their first movie together since Shutter Island.

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