Joe Pesci's grin in 'Home Alone' has been voted the best 'winning smile' in a festive film.

Daniel Stern and Joe Pesci
The 77-year-old star plays burglar Harry in the 1990 Christmas comedy and shows off a gold tooth when he discovers that Kevin's (Macaulay Culkin) family are going away for the holiday season.
Buzz Bingo have delved into Christmas classics - such as 'Die Hard', 'Elf' and 'Love Actually' - to find the best smiles and flicks to create a top-ten list. The survey has been conducted to celebrate the company's #WinFace campaign.
Harry Lang, marketing director at Buzz Bingo, said: "We could all do with some cheering up this year, so we've loved delving into the archives of much-loved Christmas films to find the best winning smiles.
"We see winning faces all the time at Buzz Bingo and love seeing everyone's reaction to the moment they've found out they won – their excitement's infectious!"
Top 10 ‘winning smiles’ from festive films, according to Brits surveyed:
1. Harry (Joe Pesci), Home Alone
When Harry meets Macauley and family for the first time, he hears they are going away and lets out the biggest smile showing off his gold tooth.
2. John McClane (Bruce Willis), Die Hard
On Christmas Eve, John McClane is happy to reunite with his wife after her company's Christmas Party is taken over by a gang.
3. Buddy (Will Ferrell), Elf
His excitement in the toy shop when 'Santa' arrives (albeit a makeshift shop Santa), he jumps and excitedly smiles with extreme happiness.
4. Grinch (Jim Carrey), The Grinch Who Stole Christmas
The Grinch's smile is more a cheekily mean smile when he is stealing presents at Christmas.
5. Juliet (Keira Knightley), Love Actually
Her happiest of smiles is when she walks down the aisle, and about to leave the church, she is surprised by beautiful choir singing 'Love, Love, Love'.
6. Pigeon Lady (Brenda Fricker), Home Alone 2
Kevin revealed a lovely side of the 'Pigeon Lady' – the moody angry lady in Central Park. As he wishes he Merry Christmas, he gives her one of two turtledoves that Mr. Duncan had given him, and then added the other turtledove.
7. Gizmo, Gremlins
A little different but when Gizmo is happy, his smile is a winner. Set at Christmas, Gremlins is a rather alternative festive movie.
8. Iris (Kate Winslet), The Holiday
The heart-warming moment when her elderly neighbour who she has been building a caring friendship with steps up to win his lifetime achievement award - Iris looks up beaming with pride to the stage.
9. Patch (Dudley Moore), Santa Claus The Movie
Dudley Moore is filled with winning smiles throughout the movie, albeit not at the trickier moments when he has to help Santa get back on track.
10. George Bailey (James Stewart), It’s a Wonderful Life
George's smile upon the climax of the story in this Christmas classic.
Tagged in Joe Pesci