J.J. Abrams

J.J. Abrams

J.J. Abrams says that he has never shot a movie digitally.

The director says that he has always been more comfortable with film and believes that film provides better quality than digital.

Speaking at the Produced By Conference the director said: "I have not yet shot a movie digitally.

"Film is the thing I am most comfortable with. If film were to go away - and digital is challenging it - then the standard for the highest, best quality would go away."

Abrams did have the choice to shoot his latest film Star Trek Into Darkness digitally but he chose film so he could match the quality of the first film in the rebooted franchise.

"Also, with all the CG, it was important to me that it was as warm and human and analogue as possible.

"It may not be obvious to many of the people who saw it, but I think it is more important than people know."

Star Trek Into Darkness has been one of the big hits of the summer as Abrams continued the story of James Kirk and the crew of the Enterprise.

He is set to stay with science fiction as he will direct Star Wars VII, which is due to start filming early next year.

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