Aubrey Plaza thinks comedy is harder than drama.

Aubrey Plaza

Aubrey Plaza

Plaza - who stars alongside Zac Efron and Anna Kendrick in 'Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates' - has claimed starring in a comedic role is much tougher than appearing in a drama movie.

She said: "It's hard to be funny and most people aren't funny. The irony is the funniest people make it look so easy that you forget that it's hard."

Meanwhile, Aubrey admitted she particularly relished making her latest movie because it allowed her to form a friendship with Anna.

She told "It was amazing. We shot in Hawaii for three months and we got to play there. We've known each other for a long time in real life, but we haven't really been able to spend a lot of time together because we're both so busy all the time.

"It was a really grand excuse to be forced to spend every day together, and also to work together, which I was really excited about. I think she's a really amazing actress. It was fun to have a partner that was committing 110 percent."

She admitted, too, that the opportunity to film the movie in Hawaii also helped.

Asked whether filming on location was an advantage, Aubrey said: "Oh yeah, definitely, because not only were we working together, but on our off days we were going on adventures together.

"It felt like we were really getting to know each other in that way too. We were all hiking through the jungles and exploring different areas of the island together. It was a real fun bonding trip."