Rachel Weisz

Rachel Weisz

Rachel Weisz was so pleased with her recent return to the London stage she's vowed to "do a play every year" from now on.

The British actress returned to her theatre roots with a starring role in a recent production of A Streetcar Named Desire, which won her a coveted Laurence Olivier Award for Best Actress on Sunday night (21Mar10).
And Weisz, who kick-started her career in a student theatre group during her time at England's Cambridge University, is adamant she will now try to leave time between movie roles to indulge her love of the stage.
She says, "I'm greedy - I'd like to do film and theatre. It was eight years since I'd last been on stage and it was just too long a gap.

"I hope to do a play every couple of years - actually no: maybe every year. It's the greatest feeling in the world being on stage and doing a live performance. It's very wild and risky."

Despite finding huge success on the stage the Oscar winning actress  has a string of movies in the pipeline.

She is currently working on The Whistleblower while Agora is already completed. Dirt Music and Unbound Captives, which will see her reunite with Hugh Jack man, are in pre-production.

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