Puss In Boots

Puss In Boots

Over the last week we have looked a whole host of movies that should keep us film fans entertained over the winter months but now it's time to look at something the kids will enjoy.

And Puss In Boots looks set to be one of the must see animation movies of the winter as Antonio Banderas returns to voice the popular character.

Yes Puss In Boots was one of the most loved characters to come out of the Shrek franchise when we were introduced to the character for the first time in Shrek 2 back in 2004.

But now the ogre franchise is over it's time for Puss to step out on his own... and that is exactly what he is going to do this winter.

Chris Miller, who helmed Shrek 3, is in the director's chair for the latest Dreamworks project in what is only his second feature length movie.

Banderas leads an all star voice cast that also includes Salma Hayek, Zach Galifianakis, Billy Bob Thornton and Any Sedaris.

Banderas and Hayek were at the Cannes Film Festival earlier this year to promote the movie - but we have had a long wait to see it hit the big screen; Dreamworks opting for a Christmas release rather than going up against the blockbusters of the summer.

Way before Puss ever met Shrek, our suave and furry feline hero goes on a swashbuckling ride, as he teams with mastermind Humpty Dumpty and the street-savvy Kitty to steal the famed Goose that lays the Golden Eggs.

Puss In Boots promises to be on the animation events of 2011 - and, let's face it, we have been short of some cracking movies in this genre this year!

Puss In Boots is released 9th December

FemaleFirst Helen Earnshaw

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