Sienna Miller

Sienna Miller

You may have heard of Sienna Miller- you know style icon, actress and now designer, but how many of you are aware of her sister Savannah?

Both sisters are responsible for their flourishing fashion business, but it's undeniable that it's Sienna, intentionally or not is the one who gets the glory.

So it got us thinking, how many style siblings out there go ignored while their more well-known, fashionable counterparts get the limelight? Well, it turns out there are quite a few!

Oscar winner Kate Winslet has been wowing crowds recently with her polished style and trim body, but what about her struggling actor sisters?

Yep, Kate too has a sibling or two that we have barely heard of until now, and despite looking like Kate, that's where the similarities end, as Kate is obviously the more fashion conscious of all her sisters.

Over in LA LA land, Paris Hilton is arguably the more well-known Hilton, with TV projects, beauty lines and fashion ranges to her name, but sister Nicky is catching up to her fashionable sibling.

She's got her own designer range and is stepping up her public appearances too, so perhaps 2009 may be the year that Nicky eclipses her older sister?

We all know about the fashionable exploits of the Geldof sisters, but what about their older sister Fifi? She works in PR, but other than that, well there isn't much else known.

She looks nothing like her famous siblings, that's for sure and we're not entirely convinced she wants the limelight anyway, aside from a few impromptu appearances on the party circuit and from what we can tell, she's not all that interested in fashion either.

Then there's the entire Osbourne clan, who may have made their name on a TV show, but Kelly's emergence as something of a style icon recently got us thinking about the missing Osbourne.

Yep, Kelly and Jack have an older sister who opted out of fame and fortune, to try and lead a normal life, but has of course got entangled in their lives none the less.

There is little known about Aimee Osbourne, but with her stylish sister Kelly moving into more fashion projects, perhaps she may come out of the woodwork then.

All in all, there are a few rules you should observe if you have a famous and stylish sibling. Either become more famous and stylish than them, or prepare for a life of obscurity.

It's a grim prospect...

FemaleFirst- Laura Terry