Michelle Obama

Michelle Obama

Michelle Obama has rarely been out of the fashion pages since her husband was officially elected as President, and we can see why- the woman has style.

So does Carla Bruni-Sarkozy, France's fashionable First Lady, who apart from being a former model, also has a love of Dior and Chanel; who wouldn't love this woman?

Then we have Sarah Brown, who despite not ever really wowing us in the glamour stakes, knows how to dress, but does on occasion blend into the background.

Arguably at the moment, it's all about Michelle and what she wears, to which occasion and who it is by. Literally she could just be popping down to the supermarket and it will make front page news for one reason or another.

The buzz which surrounded the inaugural ball was almost unprecedented, as bookies took bets on which designer she would choose, in addition to how she would style her hair and what accessories she would wear.

Even after the event, she reportedly came under fire for not choosing to promote a black designer for the occasion, and every style move is carefully dissected and analysed by the fashion pack.

Featuring on Vogue was a big coup for both Michelle and Vogue, and since then her fashion 'career' has gone from strength-to-strength, even causing people to queue for hours just to get a piece of her savvy style.

She also recently caused national outrage when she dared to bare her arms for a magazine cover, with fashion editors laying in heavily to the mother-of-two for not covering up.

No such criticisms are ever fired at Carla, who is the queen of fashionable couture and ladylike fashion. Her visit to couture week back in January was a major calendar date for the organisers, who were thrilled to have the First Lady in their company.

Likewise when she touched down in London with her husband for a political meeting, her picture strolling along Prince Charles created such a buzz because of her Jackie-O like style, and we had officially found a new fashion crush.

Even now her every move is followed, although not to Michelle's extent obviously, but the news that she was considering wearing pieces from Chanel’s cruise collection for an upcoming gala made fashion pages worldwide.

Sarah Brown too is finally starting to realise the importance of fashion in her career, championing more fitted and structured pieces of late, in addition to being papped with some well-known names in style.

If she'd just let loose a tiny bit more, she could be our very own British political style queen and god knows, we could seriously do with one of them at the minute!

FemaleFirst- Laura Terry